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Chapter 4 Vocabulary Review the Church as Sacrament of Salvation Answers

last revised 9/17/00
St. Louis U. High Yard. Sciuto's grade

1st Semester Freshman Theology Review


1. What is the Jesuit vocation?
two. What is the ultimate goal of Jesuit education?
3. Jesus revealed what will happen at the stop of time in the parable of the Last Judgment. The Male monarch will come and carve up them as sheep and goats. What does Jesus say is the criteria past which the skillful will exist separated from the bad?
4. What did Jesus reply when asked �what is the greatest commandment?�
v. List one thing from your parent interview that either strongly echoed or strongly contradicted an idea in chapter i. You lot need to list two ideas clearly and completely. Evidence how your parent and Zanzig contradict each other or how they agree.
6. There is an of import St. Louis U. High document called �Contour of the Graduate at Graduation.� This is our very idealistic statement of the kind of person nosotros hope our graduate volition get. List the 5 full general characteristics of the Grad at Grad.
7. Give the 1 most significant thing you personally earned in the first weeks of this class. Make clear the idea learned, how yous learned information technology and the significance of the learning.
Vocabulary | identity | adolescence | puberty popularity | consumerism | individualism | immediate gratification | sexual permissiveness | technological fixes | effective criticism | reflection

Written report skills
ane. Listing the recommended �v step process of really getting an assigned reading.�


1. Co-ordinate to the Catholic vision, why are yous hither on globe?
2. According to the Christian tradition, in what ways are human beings made in the paradigm of God?
3. Proper noun the three crucial tasks of adolescence. How does the deepening capacity for friendship chronicle to each?
4. Briefly list and depict lodge�southward reply to life�south longings.
5. What does it mean to be critical (Zanzig'southward "effective criticism") of something we have learned, seen or heard in the media?

video �A Time for Justice�
1. Know the appointment and major content of these ii important U.S. Supreme Court decisions: Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Topeka Board of Education.
2. Place: | Emmett Till | Rosa Parks | Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. | Liberty Riders | The Voting Rights Deed of 1965 | James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner
3. Which cardinal idea of chapter i does this video best illustrate? Explain (with concrete and specific details) how the video illustrates this primal idea.

Chapter TWO

ane. What is a worldview? How do we go a worldview?
2. What is a metaphor? Why are we limited to speaking about God in metaphors?
3. What are the ii aspects of religion in God?
4. Is having trust in God a matter of the heart or a thing of the caput?
5. Give iii examples from the text of inadequate answers to the question, Why would God let tragedy happen?
vi. What is an honest Christian response to tragedy?
7. Briefly depict four dissimilar sources of show of God�s existence.
8 . What is revelation? On what conventionalities about God is this concept based?
9. Briefly describe the ways that God�s Revelation takes place.
10. What is the divergence between faith and religious practices? Why do they demand each other?
vocabulary | worldview | metaphors | organized religion | Sacred Mystery | atheists | problem of evil | revelation religious practices | religious freedom

The Story of Ignatius
1. Know what happens at these places and on these dates.
1491 at Loyola
1521 at Pamplona
1521 recovery at Loyola
1523 Manresa
1540 Regimini Militanis Ecclesiae
1556 Ignatius death
two. What was Ignatius worldview in his youth?
3. What event began his conversion?
four. What happened during his recovery that led to his metanoia?
5. These are of import places in Ignatius life. What happens at
| Manresa | on the banks of the Chardoner River | Montserrat
6. What is Ignatius �Beginning Principle and Foundation?�
7. What are the Spiritual Exercises? What is its �basic premise?�
8. What is the core of Jesuit training?
ix. What are the two �master instruments of the Order�due south mission in the Church?�
10. How does the life of Ignatius illustrate these key ideas of chapter one and two in Zanzig? Explain with concrete and specific details.
| cultural values | worldview | conversion | Adolescence: Journeying from Babyhood to Adulthood | Finding Answers to Life�south Longings | Our Hearts are Restless | A Question of Worldviews | The Meaning of Religion | When We Do Not Have All the Answers | How Can We Know About God?

The story of John Paul 2

The Story of Ruby Bridges


1. Describe how the bond between God and a person of faith is similar a wedlock bail. How is God�s faithfulness different from the faithfulness of wedlock partners?
2. How is Judaism related to Christianity?
iii. What is Abraham�south story? Why is he considered so important in conservancy history? Who are his descendants?
4. How did the Israelites end upwards living in Egypt, what was their life like there, and why did they leave? What was their destination? What happened during the Exodus?
5. What occurred on Mount Sinai? Why did the Israelites experience the Mosaic Law as freeing them rather than burdening them?
6. What was the Israelites� desert experience similar? How long did information technology take them to reach the Promised State? Describe an experience you accept had in which hardships and even feeling the absenteeism of God may ultimately have helped y'all trust God more deeply.
8. Briefly describe three different factions of Jews who were active around the time of Jesus. What happened to the Jewish customs afterward Jesus?
9. Summarize the boggling features of Judaism throughout history that make Judaism �a light to the nations�. As well, what does the history of the Jews evidence almost the qualities of God?
10. Fundamental question of this chapter
Why is it of import for a Christian to know and understand Judaism?

| covenant | polytheism | monotheism | State of israel | Yahweh | Exodus | Promised Land | Passover | Sinai Covenant | Police force | Mosaic Law | Ten Commandments | patriarchs | Moses | Palestine | Holy Land | David | Solomon | Temple | prophets | Sabbath | Remnant | suffering servant | Messiah | Jesus | Pharisees | Sadducees | Zealots | Essenes | the poor


1. What is the Christian belief expressed in the doctrine of the Incarnation?
2. How was the Jesus� idea of the Kingdom different from what people expected the Kingdom to be?
3. How did Jesus accost God? What proper name of God did Jesus use that indicated his intimate, personal sense of sonship?
4. What powerful bulletin near God id Jesus preach and live past his example?
5. Give five examples from the text of the upside-downward values of the Kingdom of God.
Vocabulary | Incarnation | parable | synagogue | doctrine | Immaculate Formulation | grace | dogma | Abba | Assumption | Beatitudes | Kingdom of God


1. Summarize the evidence that supports Jesus� Resurrection.
2. What is the significant of the Paschal Mystery.
3, How is Jesus� death on the cross and his Resurrection like an exodus for united states of america?
4. In Christian symbolism, why is Jesus known as the Lamb of God?
Vocabulary | Concluding Supper | Holy Thursday | seder Palm Sunday | chief priests | Resurrection | Paschal Mystery | Lamb of God


1. Give a definition of the church, including its mission.
2. Draw the images of the Church as People of God, Body of Christ and Temple of the Holy Spirit.
3. In what way is Mary the model of the Church building?
4. What is the Christian education about how humankind volition be saved? Co-ordinate to Cosmic belief, tin not-Christians be saved?
Vocabulary | Acts of the Apostles | Ascension | Pentecost | the Way | gentiles | epistle | communion of saints | Council of Jerusalem


i. Why do stories have the power to bear upon people's lives?
2. What is the Christian belief about the power of Scriptures? Where does this power come from?
3. In what sense is the Bible like a library? How many books are in each of the two major divisions of the Catholic Bible?
4. Listing the four major sections of the Hebrew Scriptures and briefly describe what is in each.
5. List the iv major sections of the Christian Attestation and briefly describe what is in each.
6. Explain a distinctive characteristic almost each of the Four Gospels.
seven. What is meant by the canon of the Bible? Why were certain books called to be office of the canon?
8. What is the v-step process of development that about of the books of the Bible went through? Depict each pace in a sentence or two.
9. What was God'due south function in the procedure of development of the Scriptures?
10. What is the Catholic approach to finding the religious truth in whatever given biblical passage? Offer an instance from the the versions of the Nativity given by Matthew and by Luke.
xi. What does it hateful to say the the Bible is inspired by God?
12. What is the underlying truth that God has revealed in the Scriptures? Write out Zanzig's "few statements that attempt to summarize the Bible's underlying message."
Vocabulary | Hebrew Scriptures | Christian Scriptures | Pentateuch | historical books | wisdom books | prophetic books | Gospels | Evangelists | Gospel of the Holy Spirit | epistles | canon | oral tradition | inspiration | Revelation/Apocalypse


1. What is meant by proverb that Catholics share a unity of faith? Who symbolizes and guarantees the church�s unity?
2. What is the meaning of church building Tradition? How does it differ from traditions in the church?
3. What is the Catholic understanding of a �Scriptures and Tradition� approach to knowing God�s truth?
4. What is the Church building�southward Magisterium? Why is information technology needed?
v. Requite 3 examples of means that church building teaching may be expressed past the Magisterium.
6. What are doctrines? What are dogmas? Give three examples of dogmas from the text.
seven. Give the �uncomplicated� explanation of the Trinity.
8 What is meant past a sense of the sacramental?
9. Describe the Catholic understanding of how reason and faith are both needed to know God, the meaning of life and how to live.
Vocabulary | Tradition | doctrines | dogmas | Magisterium | infallibility | Creed | Trinity

CHAPTER NINE, pgs. 219-225

one. What is the understanding about humanness and creation that comes from the doctrine of the Incarnation?
ii. What is a saving moment?
iii. What is a symbol? Give 2 examples (one from the text , and one from your life) of how a symbol can have different meanings.
4. What is a ritual? Requite two examples of ritual deportment from the church�s sacraments.
5. What does information technology hateful to say that Jesus is the fundamental sacrament of God?
6. What does it hateful to say that the church is the sacrament of Jesus?
Vocabulary | symbol | ritual | sacrament | grace | saving moment

Affiliate ten, pgs. 247-258, 266-267

1. In the liturgical yr, what do Christians walk through?
2. In what fashion does the liturgical year transform us, if we are open up to it?
iii. What are the two major seasons of the liturgical year, with their training periods? What are the time periods in between the ii major seasons called?
4. What is the heart of the liturgical year, and why is information technology considered the heart?
Vocabulary | seasonal time | liturgical year | Appearance | Christmas flavor | Easter season | Easter ordinary fourth dimension | holy days of obligation

CHAPTER Xi, pgs. 269-280, 287, 290-293

ane. What is spirituality?
2. With what kind of beloved does God love each person? How does that kind of love affect a person who is open to it?
3. How did Jesus respond to his fears?
four. What Christian belief is the foundation of trust and hope in God?
5. Describe how genuine spirituality tin affect a person�s whole life.
half dozen. What is prayer? How is it related to spirituality?
7. Briefly describe the five different forms of prayer.
Vocabulary | spirituality | unconditional dear prayer | prayers of conversation | prayers of petition prayers of thanks and praise | prayers of meditation | formal prayers

Affiliate TWELVE, lectured

one. Recall the story that opens this chapter about the woman who daily visited church. Was she filled with dear for God? Explain your answer.
2. What is the difference between morality in general and Christian morality? Give an example of a statement of basic morality. Also quote or paraphrase the swell commandment.
iii. Write a alphabetic character to a friend or relative who is struggling with organized religion and explicate what divergence being open or closed to God�s beloved makes in a person�s life.
4. List the Ten Commandments. Choose three Commandments and explain their pregnant, reflecting on both the alphabetic character and the spirit of each.
5. Briefly summarize each of the three major themes emphasized in Cosmic moral teaching in the last few decades, listing a specific manner the church building has spoken out on at least one of the themes.
6. Explain why nosotros are responsible for our actions. Give two examples of circumstances that might lessen our responsibility. How practise we class our censor correctly?
7. Define graphic symbol, virtues, vices, and moral acts. Offer an instance to illustrate the character wheel in which a virtue, pity, is involved.
viii. Listing your virtues and vices. What kind of a person do you think you are, and what kind of a person practise you desire to become?
9. What do Christians believe is our last destiny, both of individuals and the whole earth? Briefly describe the four �last things.�
Vocabulary Decalogue | mortal sin | common good | hell | Christian morality | theological virtues | sin | virtues | temptations | conscience | fortitude


Other key ideas of the first semester

* List and describe the suggested do of "Reading Scripture on Three Levels."
Make sure y'all include Mike Carotta'south How to Apply the Bible to Your Life.
* Requite and draw Fr. Tetlow'due south "Three Manners of Praying With Scripture"
* Describe five unlike forms of prayer.
* Listing the recommended five footstep process of really getting an assigned reading.

People yous have studied a flake in this class: John Paul 2, Deion Sanders, Craig Kielberger, Ignatius Loyola, Cerise Bridges

These are passages and idea y'all have been asked to recall virtually this semester. Yous should non but know the content of each, you should have taken time to reflect upon these and apply their truths to your life here and now.
The Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25)
St. Paul's epitome of all of us being "one body, many members." (I Cor 12, 12-26)
Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke xv)

